We are a collective of Christians at work, gathering to support each other in the advancement of our work, careers, and communities.
Our mission is to amplify the careers and organizations of our members through collaboration, support, and mentorship.
We believe that resourced Christians at work can produce better products and services, better lead and influence their teams and organizations, and make lasting positive impacts in the marketplace, churches, and in the cities they live in and serve.
As a believer in today’s world we know that your time and ability to connect with other leaders and sharpen each other is limited. Many Christian Business groups attempt to gather people together for a monthly event, but monthly or quarterly gatherings are not enough for all of the in the moment and daily needs we have. So our faith and our work are often disconnected from each other, and we don’t experience God in the midst of our daily jobs. It doesn’t have to be that way. We now live in a connected world that gives us the opportunity to build more synergy in our connections and become resourceful for others.
The Christian Collective is a container for Christians to connect, receive, and give. With the flexibility of Slack, Zoom, and other tools, we create specific and broad group channels based on roles, industries, job opportunities, and also local area needs and gathering points. We even schedule 1:1 virtual meet ups, connecting the right types of members.
We believe that connection, inspiration, advancement, and the resources needed to thrive happens in moments, and by creating more moments of connection and collaboration to peers and leaders alike we can advance the careers, businesses, and influence of our members.
Prayer. Hard work. Celebration. Honor. Candor. Influence.
If you've been at church for any length of time, you've probably heard a lot of sermons about marketplace ministry, living mission minded, and walking fully in your calling. The problem we've noticed is that there aren't any specific and ongoing resources to connect everyday business leaders, managers, and executives.
Because we don't have peer-based communities to help us fulfill our calls with strength and energy it is all to easy to feel stagnant, burnt out, and like we are going through the motions.
The Christian Collective creates specific communities for you based on your role, company size, and industry. We also create channels of connection around issues you may be facing and get you connected for 1:1 virtual coffees and meetings so that even in the midst of business, you'll still spark the fires of connection, community, influence, and growth.
This is a monthly membership meant to provide ongoing connections, resources, and opportunities once you've completed The Sprint.